Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Going negative, and how to do it properly...

1) Obviously, you have to have a certain level of subtlety. Of course you can attack yourself (see here), but it helps if you have other avenues too. This leads us on to...

2) How to go about things the old - school (or, if you prefer, Swift Boat) way. The article is here, and this is the relevant section:

"Clinton’s camp has been circulating stories criticising the “cult” of Obama in the hope of portraying “Obamania” as a mass delusion. Media Matters, a watchdog organisation sympathetic to Clinton, compiled a report headlined, “Media figures call Obama supporters’ behaviour ‘creepy’, compare them to Hare Krishna and Charles Manson followers”.

It was forwarded by Sidney Blumenthal, a top Clinton adviser, to select reporters."

And the outcome to this? Well, see here for an example. Look familiar?

And the outcome to this policy? Well, it appears to be a continuation of Hillary's losing streak. If she keeps up this negativity, the legendary Republican attack machine that she keeps going on about will have no work left to do come the election proper if he becomes the Democratic nominee, as she will have done all the work already.

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