Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Democratic race again...short one, promise!

One thing I've noticed about the race between the two presumptive nominees, is that everytime, win or lose, be it a caucus or a Primary, Obama acknoledges Clinton, and mentions how it was a "good fight" (or words to that effect), and asks the crowd to give her a round of applause. Not once has Clinton done the same. To the Clinton team it may look like she's being strong by not even acknowldging her fellow Democrat, and looking forward to the race against McCain. From this standpoint, it simply lacks class , and plain manners...


Anonymous said...

Hi Ciaran, i'm a long term reader, first time commenter. Hilary is a laydee and engaged in a battle to the death for the number one jobby in the world: keeper of the flame and sponsor of all things that make America great, cheeseburgers, shopping malls, college shootings, hiring / firing of dictators, waterboarding etc, so please excuse her if she ain't got the time to open the door for Mr. Hussain Obama

Ciaran said...

well mr (mrs?!) long term reader..i think its about time for clinton specifically and women in general to open the door a bit more. would it really hurt them?!

hussein by the way. just being pedantic like...